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호른 이석준

호르니스트 이석준은 예원학교, 서울예고, 서울대학교 음악대학을 졸업한 후 독일 에센 폴크방 국립음대에서 디플롬과 최고 연주자과정을 졸업하였다어린 시절부터 두각을 나타낸 그는 음협콩쿠르 1위를 수상하였으며 대학 진학 후 제2회 예음상 수상(실내악/목관오중주부문), KBS신인 음악 콩쿨 대상동아음악콩쿨 1운파음악상 수상 등 국내굴지의 콩쿨에서 우수한 성적으로 입상하여 그의 음악가적 면모를 꾸준히 보여주었다.

독일 유학 당시 한국인으로는 처음으로 뮌헨 국제콩쿨(ARD)의 HORN 부문 본선무대에 참가하여 국내 및 현지의 음악가들에게 주목을 받았다. 그는 독일에서 뒤셀도르프 체임버협회 오케스트라의 객원 수석으로 유럽 각지에서 연주활동을 꾸준히 하였으며, 2001년 귀국독주회 이후 뛰어난 음악적 실력을 인정받아 KBS-FM 한국의 음악가음반 발표를 했다.

또한 Japen horn society 초청 연주일리노이 주립대 초청 독주회금호 아트홀 초청독주회, 일본 Tokyo 앙상블(리더 김창국초청 연주회를 비롯해 KBS교향악단부산시향코리안심포니부천시향수원시향원주시향전주시향창원시향포항시향광주시향강남심포니서울신포니에타, 2005년 교향악축제에는 경기도립오케스트라 등과 협연하였고 2001~2013 매년 독주회를 비롯해 2009년부터 매년 독일 베를린에 있는 Berliner Philhamonie kammersaal에서 독주회를 갖는 등 꾸준한 국내외 연주 활동을 펼치고 있다.

이석준은 한국예술종합학교,서울대학교,연세대학교,한양대학교,이화여자대학교,상명대학교,경원대학교,동덕여자대학교에 출강하였으며, KBS교향악단 수석,서울시립 청소년교향악단수석,부천필하모니 부수석,독일 뒤셀도르프 캄머 오케스트라 객원 수석을 역임하였다.

현재 한국예술종합학교 교수로 재직중이며 ()TIMF앙상블,솔루스브라스퀸텟,()한국페스티벌앙상블 멤버로 활동하고 있다.



Horn Seokjun Lee


Hornist Seokjun Lee received Diplom and Konzertexamen from Folkwang Hochschule in Essen in Germany. Prior to his study in Germany, he graduated from Yewon School of Fine Art, Seoul Art High School, and Seoul National University.

Seokjun Lee started to demonstrate his unusual and extraordinary musical talent from his early childhood by winning the first prize in both Yuk Young Competition and Music Association Competition in 1986 and 1987, respectively. His outstanding musical talent continued to shine during his college years through numerous competitions where he was critically acclaimed and well received by the audience and fellow musicians.

Among many others, his accomplishments during the college years include, the second prize in Pusan Competition in 1990, the first prize in wood wind quintet in chamber music part in the 2nd Yae Eum Competition in 1993, the grand prize in KBS New Talent Discover Competition in 1994, the first prize in Dong Ah Competition in 1994, and Eun Pa Music Award in 1996.

While in Germany, Seokjun Lee successfully qualified for the tape audition and proceeded to the main competition in ARD Music Competition in 1999, where he was very well received by musicians in Germany as well as in Korea. As the a principal hornist in Vereinigung in Duesseldorf Kammer Orchestra, Seokjun Lee had continued to perform through out Europe, where he demonstrated his musical talent as an exceptional hornist, while he performed with the KBS Symphony Orchestra, Korean Symphony Orchestra, Seoul National University Orchestra, Pusan Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Academy Orchestra and many others in Korea.

After his home-coming solo performance in 2001, Seokjun Lee was acclaimed for his exceptional musical talent from KBS-FM as one of the best Korean musician, and recorded “KBS-FM Korean Musicians” CD. Seokjun Lee continues his mesmerizing the audience with his marvelous talent with Jeonju Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Sinfonietta, and in various chamber  performances. Prior to his current position as Prof. Korea National University of Arts, Seokjun Lee performed as the a principal for the Seoul Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, the a principal for the Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra, and the a principal for the Vereinigung in Duesseldorf Kammer Orchestra in Germany, the a principal for the KBS Symphony Orchestra


상품 상세 정보
연주자 : 이석준
수량 : 수량증가수량감소

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  • ORGANIZATION: Seoul International Music Festival 개최일정 : 2023/10/7 ~ 10/14
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